The 4th Annual Vintage Trailer Show took place on June 25, 2016 with 40+ vintage trailers in attendance. Here are a few pictures of the trailers to enjoy. Thank you to David, Steven, Christi, Ken, Murphy Gang (staff) and fellow trailerites for such a wonderful weekend. We know how much work it was to put on this fund-raising show/mini-rally. Steven worked non-stop the entire weekend; we were exhausted just watching him. What a great team you have David! Your events are always user-friendly!!!
Just want all the participating trailerites to know what an enjoyable weekend it was -- even better than we thought it would or could be. We absolutely enjoyed each and everyone of you along with your terrific (cute, beautiful, historic, creative, unique) individual vintage trailers + bus + motorhome + sporting goods general store, etc. Loved the condensed space which allowed for lots of interaction between us. Those of us that were able to stay-on Saturday night had another special opportunity to enjoy the camaraderie between members of our group with an addition of a couple of trailerites that dropped by to say hello (as other vintage trailer friends did throughout the day). It was great to see old and [make] new friends again . . .
Go to
for a short video of this rally on Fireball Tim Lawrence's World's Coolest VINTAGE #TRAILER SHOW - FMV366,